September 07, 2023
By Tori Loomis
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This recipe can be used with most cuts of venison tenderloin and backstrap.
Serves : 2 - 4 people
Ingredients: 1 lb Elk tenderloin or backstrap cut into two pieces (This works really well with the end pieces) Sea salt to taste 2-3 tsp Spiceology Cowboy Crust Coffee Rub 1 C Blackberries or dewberries (preferably fresh) 2 oz. Bourbon 1 tsp honey 1-2 Tbsp whole butter Olive oil Directions: Allow meat to sit out long enough to come to room temperature. Depending on where you are, this may take more or less time. Heat oil in the skillet to medium - high heat. While the skillet is heating, lightly salt steaks on each side, and coat with Spiceology, Cowboy Crust seasoning. Cook for roughly 3 minutes on each side. Add 1 Tbsp of butter before removing from skillet, with a quick flip on each piece. Set aside and let rest for at least 10 minutes. Add bourbon, smashed berries, smidge of salt, and honey to a small sauce pot. Cook for 5 minutes and set aside. Prepare your sides outside while your meat is resting. Ingredients: ½ lb (about 2 C) raw okra (whole,blanched) 1 lb baby red or gold potatoes (parboiled) 1 Tbsp. whole butter Spiceology Greek Freak seasoning Sea salt Lemon 2 tbsp olive oil Fresh Spinach, or salad greens of your choice Directions: Add butter to skillet. Once butter is melted, add potatoes and dash of salt. Cook potatoes for about five minutes, stirring occasionally. Add whole blanched okra, squeeze of lemon juice, and greek freak seasoning. Stir, and cook for another 3-5 minutes. I prefer to go a little longer because I like my okra a little charred on the outside. Finish with another spritz of lemon. This can be served as is, or tossed together with fresh spinach, squeeze of lemon, olive oil and served as a salad.