June 25, 2012
By Melissa Bachman
When most people think of trail cameras , they automatically think the only use is scouting for whitetail hunting , but I've used them all over the world.
Anytime I'd like to be two places at once, I use a trail camera to help with my scouting. For instance, I just returned from a trip to Africa and my Cuddeback was extremely helpful when hunting waterholes.
As a whitetail hunter, I wanted to be in my blind before the sun ever started coming up, but in Africa they said no worries, just head out after daylight.
Well, the first morning that's exactly what I did. Arriving around 6:30, we set up and had a great day; however, we never saw any of the blue wildebeest that they said usually came to water.
I decided to check out the photos on my Cuddeback and found out they had been there at 6:08 and 6:09 that very morning right before I arrived. Needless to say, the next morning I was in the blind an hour before sunrise just to be on the safe side and it paid off!
Trail cameras are also a great way to find out what animals are frequenting an area and when. As our African trip went on, we had never seen a gemsbok or zebra, and assumed they were probably watering somewhere else. After checking my Cuddeback Attack, we found that they were coming at night. I was blown away by the photos and really enjoyed watching the videos as well.
Of course, no one is going to sit in their blind all night just to scout, but that's why a trail camera overseas can be a big help!