September 20, 2012
By PH Online Editors
Apparently nobody told Rick Pearce that Liam Neeson already laid claim to the title as bloody knuckled wolf brawler in his movie The Grey .
It seems that Pearce, from Idaho, just doesn't care. On an archery elk hunt this past weekend near Clayton, Idaho, Pearce spent almost an hour calling in elk, only to find himself surrounded by a pack of wolves. As at least five wolves circled him, one made it within 40 yards. That's when Pearce decided to turn the tables on the pack.
"They still thought dinner was in the area. It wasn't me, though," he told The Challis Messenger . At that point Pearce, who had a permit to hunt wolves, fired an arrow at one of the predators from 70 yards, striking the wolf right behind the shoulder. The pack continued to circle as he tracked the wounded wolf's bloody trail.
"I thought it was kind of strange they hung around," Pearce said. "People assume they will take off and run." When he got to the wolf, it growled and lunged at him, at which point he pulled out his .22 pistol and ended the threat.
Asked if the fear of the wolf presence would deter him from his 39th year of archery hunting, Pearce said there's no chance. "I'm not going to stop just because wolves get in the way."
His only resolution? "I think I'll take a bigger handgun."