July 08, 2011
By Ben OBrien
Idaho Fish & Game has released their wolf hunting proposals for the upcoming year and would like public input before setting final wolf hunting and trapping seasons in late July.
For hunters, proposals include:
Standard hunting season dates statewide: Aug 30 - Mar 31, except for Aug 30 - Dec 31 in Island Park and Beaverhead wolf management zones.
Hunters may buy 2 tags per calendar year.
Bag limit: No person may take more than one wolf per legal tag in his or her possession.
Wolf seasons are Any-Weapon seasons.
Electronic calls may be used statewide.
Wolves may be taken incidentally during fall bear baiting.
Reduced-price nonresident wolf tags ($31.75) in Lolo, Selway, and Middle Fork Wolf zones, consistent w/ nonresident bear and lion tag prices.
Hunters must report killing a wolf within 72 hours. Hunters must present skull and hide to IDFG office within 10 days.
The wolf season closes when the harvest limit for that zone is reached or the season closing date, whichever comes first.
Trapping Proposals Include:
Trapping season dates: Dec 1 - Feb 15.
Trappers may buy up to 3 tags with trapping license for use in those zones with an open trapping season in addition to 2 tags purchased for hunting; un-used tags from hunting season (up to 2) may also be used to tag trapped wolves.
Bag limit: No person may take more than one wolf per legal tag in his or her possession.
Methods of take: Both snares and foothold traps w/ jaw spread not to exceed 9 inches are legal during wolf trapping season.
Tags purchased for trapping may be used to take wolves through hunting where and when the wolf trapping season is open.
Baiting regulations for trapping wolves are consistent with regulations for furbearers.
Mandatory trapping education class required before purchasing tags for wolf trapping.
72 hour trap check requirement, same as for furbearer trapping.
Reduced price nonresident wolf tags ($31.75) in Lolo, Selway, and Middle Fork Wolf zones, consist w/ bear and lion tag prices.
Mandatory report within 72 hours of kill; mandatory check within 10 days.
Please visit the Idaho Fish & Game website for a full recap of the wolf hunting proposals. Want to provide your input? Make sure to fill out the short survey!