July 13, 2012
By PH Online Editors
One thing we can't stand about vegetarians is how full of themselves they are. Just because they don't indulge in a cheeseburger or steak, they feel the urge to tell everyone in earshot about it. As such, the notorious attention whores at PETA recently launched its annual online "Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrities " contest, naming a couple of Hollywood celebrities the sexiest vegetarians on the planet in an effort to say, "Hey, these two eat like rabbits! You should too!"
Well, we can play that game too. In an effort to show that even meat eaters can be rich and famous with ridiculously good looks, we've rounded up 16 of the sexiest meat-eating hunters on the planet -- eight women and eight men -- to determine who among them is the sexiest omnivore on Earth. The winners get well, nothing, other than our undying affection and the chance to tell every PETA member where they can shove their celery.
Click through the photos, learn more about these meat-loving idols and cast your vote below for your favorite male and female. Winners will be selected on July 31.
Brittany Boddington When your father is one of the world's most famous and accomplished hunters, you're bound to become pretty self-reliant, and Brittany Boddington's
hunting prowess is just one of many desirable traits that we all look for in a woman.
Georgia Pellegrini A duel threat,
this hunter/chef authored the book Girl Hunter, and her website includes a recipes section that includes everything from appetizers to desserts -- plus a section set aside especially for wild game.
Melissa Bachman Whether she's recounting her hunting tales in that cute Minnesota accent or showcasing her draw length, hunters everywhere long for the chance to share a stand, blind or boat with
PH blogger Melissa Bachman .
Miranda Lambert Nashville Star finalist and certified country girl Miranda Lambert can hunt and fish with the best of them, including her husband, Blake Shelton, and the couple shared some
wedding venison for their nuptials .
Sarah Palin Former vice presidential candidate turned political pundit, Sarah Palin gave many Republican voters hockey mom fantasies for months, and this Alaskan ass-kicker is about as hardcore as they come when it comes to
caribou hunting .
Tiffany Lakosky With her husband, Lee, Tiffany Lakoski takes to the woods in search of monster whitetails on their show, The Crush, an appropriate title given the affections of her male friends.
Chipper Jones Since 2012 is his last year on the diamond, we figured it appropriate to honor Chipper Jones, longtime Atlanta Braves third baseman, an eight-time MLB All-Star and
Major League Bowhunter .
Matt Hughes Considered one of the greatest MMA fighters of all time, Matt Hughes is dangerous in the ring. In the field, however, the
Pike County, Ill. , native is straight-up deadly.
Steven Rinella When you're the host of a show called
Meat Eater , you know you're bound to show up on this list. Steven Rinella is about as close to carnivorous as a human being can be, and his outdoor skills are second to none.
The Trump Brothers With millions of dollars at their disposal, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump don't hesitate to spend a few bucks
hunting on this continent -- and a few others. We figured we might as let you vote on the together, it wouldn't be fair otherwise.
Michael Waddell Michael Waddell: Petersen's Hunting columnist and the hunting world's Georgia-born superstar from Booger Bottom, Ga. Need we say more?